• Follows writing checklist (full checklist provided in a separate document)

    • LaTeX points
    • Structure
    • Spelling, grammar, attention to detail
    • Avoid low information content phrases
    • Writing style
  • Module Decomposition

    • One module one secret (unless an explicit exception is made, with a good reason) - all “and”s should be checked.
    • The uses relation is a hierarchy.
    • Secrets are nouns (generally).
    • Traceability matrix between modules and requirements shows every requirement is satisfied by at least on module
    • Traceability matrix between modules and requirements shows that every module is used to satisfy at least one requirement
    • Traceability matrix between likely changes and modules shows a one to one mapping, or, if this is not the case, explains the exceptions to this rule.
    • Level 1 of the decomposition by secrets shows: Hardware-Hiding, Behaviour-Hiding and Software Decision Hiding.
    • Behaviour-Hiding modules are related to the requirements
    • Software-Decision hiding modules are concepts that need to be introduced, but are not detailed in the requirements
    • Each Software Decision Hiding module is used by at least one Behaviour-Hiding Module (if this isn’t the case, an explanation should be provided)
    • Uses relation is not confused with a data flow chart. If you can imagine an “import B” statement in the code for module A, then module A uses module B.
    • The arrow in the uses relation points from module A to module B when module A uses module B
    • Anticipated changes are a superset of the likely changes in the SRS
  • MG quality

    • Follow template
    • Low coupling
    • Satisfies information hiding