This document summarizes the contributions of each team member for the final demonstration and documentation. The time period of interest is the time between Rev 0 and the Final documentation.

Team Meeting Attendance

For each team member how many team meetings have they attended over the time period of interest. This number should be determined from the meeting issues in the team’s repo. The first entry in the table should be the total number of team meetings held by the team.

Name 1Num
Name 2Num
Name 3Num
Name 4Num
Name 5Num

If needed, an explanation for the counts can be provided here.

Supervisor/Stakeholder Meeting Attendance

For each team member how many supervisor/stakeholder team meetings have they attended over the time period of interest. This number should be determined from the supervisor meeting issues in the team’s repo. The first entry in the table should be the total number of supervisor and team meetings held by the team. If there is no supervisor, there will usually be meetings with stakeholders (potential users) that can serve a similar purpose.

Name 1Num
Name 2Num
Name 3Num
Name 4Num
Name 5Num

If needed, an explanation for the counts can be provided here.

Lecture Attendance

For each team member how many lectures have they attended over the time period of interest. This number should be determined from the lecture issues in the team’s repo. The first entry in the table should be the total number of lectures since the beginning of the term.

Name 1Num
Name 2Num
Name 3Num
Name 4Num
Name 5Num

If needed, an explanation for the lecture attendance can be provided here.

TA Document Discussion Attendance

For each team member how many of the informal document discussion meetings with the TA were attended over the time period of interest.

Name 1Num
Name 2Num
Name 3Num
Name 4Num
Name 5Num

If needed, an explanation for the attendance can be provided here.


For each team member how many commits to the main branch have been made over the time period of interest. The total is the total number of commits for the entire team since the beginning of the term. The percentage is the percentage of the total commits made by each team member.

Name 1Num%
Name 2Num%
Name 3Num%
Name 4Num%
Name 5Num%

If needed, an explanation for the counts can be provided here. For instance, if a team member has more commits to unmerged branches, these numbers can be provided here. If multiple people contribute to a commit, git allows for multi-author commits.

Issue Tracker

For each team member how many issues have they authored (including open and closed issues (O+C)) and how many have they been assigned (only counting closed issues (C only)) over the time period of interest.

StudentAuthored (O+C)Assigned (C only)
Name 1NumNum
Name 2NumNum
Name 3NumNum
Name 4NumNum
Name 5NumNum

If needed, an explanation for the counts can be provided here.

If your team has additional metrics of productivity, please feel free to add them to this report.