Sept. 16 20240.0Initial skafolding

Problem Statement

You should check your problem statement with the problem statement checklist.

You can change the section headings, as long as you include the required information.


Inputs and Outputs

Characterize the problem in terms of “high level” inputs and outputs. Use abstraction so that you can avoid details.



Hardware and software environment


Stretch Goals

Challenge Level and Extras

State your expected challenge level (advanced, general or basic). The challenge can come through the required domain knowledge, the implementation or something else. Usually the greater the novelty of a project the greater its challenge level. You should include your rationale for the selected level. Approval of the level will be part of the discussion with the instructor for approving the project. The challenge level, with the approval (or request) of the instructor, can be modified over the course of the term.

Teams may wish to include extras as either potential bonus grades, or to make up for a less advanced challenge level. Potential extras include usability testing, code walkthroughs, user documentation, formal proof, GenderMag personas, Design Thinking, etc. Normally the maximum number of extras will be two. Approval of the extras will be part of the discussion with the instructor for approving the project. The extras, with the approval (or request) of the instructor, can be modified over the course of the term.

Appendix --- Reflection

Not required for CAS 741

  1. What went well while writing this deliverable?
  2. What pain points did you experience during this deliverable, and how did you resolve them?
  3. How did you and your team adjust the scope of your goals to ensure they are suitable for a Capstone project (not overly ambitious but also of appropriate complexity for a senior design project)?