Sept. 16 20240.0Initial skafolding

Table of Contents


You can include your definition of what a hazard is here.

Scope and Purpose of Hazard Analysis

You should say what loss could be incurred because of the hazards.

System Boundaries and Components

Dividing the system into components will help you brainstorm the hazards. You shouldn’t do a full design of the components, just get a feel for the major ones. For projects that involve hardware, the components will typically include each individual piece of hardware. If your software will have a database, or an important library, these are also potential components.

Critical Assumptions

These assumptions that are made about the software or system. You should minimize the number of assumptions that remove potential hazards. For instance, you could assume a part will never fail, but it is generally better to include this potential failure mode.

Failure Mode and Effect Analysis

Include your FMEA table here. This is the most important part of this document.

The safety requirements in the table do not have to have the prefix SR. The most important thing is to show traceability to your SRS. You might trace to requirements you have already written, or you might need to add new requirements.

If no safety requirement can be devised, other mitigation strategies can be entered in the table, including strategies involving providing additional documentation, and/or test cases.

Safety and Security Requirements

Newly discovered requirements. These should also be added to the SRS. (A rationale design process how and why to fake it.)


Which safety requirements will be implemented as part of the capstone timeline? Which requirements will be implemented in the future?

Appendix --- Reflection

Not required for CAS 741

  1. What went well while writing this deliverable?
  2. What pain points did you experience during this deliverable, and how did you resolve them?
  3. Which of your listed risks had your team thought of before this deliverable, and which did you think of while doing this deliverable? For the latter ones (ones you thought of while doing the Hazard Analysis), how did they come about?
  4. Other than the risk of physical harm (some projects may not have any appreciable risks of this form), list at least 2 other types of risk in software products. Why are they important to consider?